Saturday, 13 April 2013

Discover Karnak, the largest temple in Egypt

Karnak is the largest temple complex and the most spectacular in Egypt.Its many pillars in the hypostyle hall, with beautiful reliefs with battle scenes, scale surprised by its size. Here you can see the legacy of dozens of pharaohs who established constructions at Karnak for over 1300 years.
When Thebes became the capital of Egypt, Karnak constructions began with the construction of the White Chapel of Sesostris. Successive Pharaohs added, rebuilt and enlarged that they have inherited, each trying to outdo the other and put their own twist on what has over the centuries turned into a complex of 200,000 m2 . What often surprises visitors - even those who were the Pyramids - this is the extent of what they see with the practical considerations of its construction at a time when tools were rudimentary.

You will pass under the first tower and small temples built by Seti II to the Theban triad of gods Mut and Amon Kaen.Beyond the second pylon is the hypostyle hall. 
You will then be a real "forest of columns", this room impresses all visitors who pass through. Its area of ​​6000 square meters to 122 papyrus-shaped columns carved reliefs around its circumference huge and they soar over 21 meters;
Throughout the site visit you will see many obelisks, like those of Hatshepsut, the god Amun and his wife Amunet. See the giant scarab the lake sacred and later in the temple complex of the Wall Records, where Thutmose III detailed his victories over the people he fought.
A visit to this remarkable site provides like no other appreciation of a civilization that was able to achieve so much in some 1500 years before the birth of Christ.
A visit to the Temple of Karnak takes about half a day, have more time for those who have a deep interest. As with many places in Egypt the services of a local guide is particularly useful to explain what you see.


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